National Truth and Reconciliation Commission (Rettig Commission)
The Commission was created to investigate the situation of persons who were disappeared or were executed during the military dictatorship. It was active between April 1990 and February 1991. It was tasked with gathering evidence that could support the identification of the fate of disappeared victims and establish a complete picture of the atrocities; recommending reparations and legal and administrative measures to ensure non-repetition. In February 1991, the Commission issued a final report on the basis of the evidence gathered, and presented it to the President of the Republic and the general public.
Legal Instrument
Supreme Decree on the Creation of the National Truth and Reconciliation Commission
In its 2013 report, the WGEID stated that the Commissions in Chile represented a “major step forward in the search for the truth” but also noted shortcomings across the bodies (A/HRC/22/45/Add.1, para. 11). It acknowledged the “seriousness and professionalism” of the Rettig Commission (A/HRC/22/45/Add.1, para. 7).